Basic Cleaning
(Filters + Outer Chimney Surface)
- Basic cleaning includes filters cleaning and outer surface of the chimney with chemical or cleaning solution.
- Visit Charge will be applicable if customer don’t go ahead for work.
- All rates are minimum. After visit technician will decide the exact amount.
Deep Cleaning
(All parts of Chimney )
- Deep cleaning includes all parts of the chimney cleaning with chemical or cleaning solution.
- Visit Charge will be applicable if customer don’t go ahead for work.
- All rates are minimum. After visit technician will decide the exact amount.
(Depends on condition)
- After checking of Chimney, rates are applicable according to problem available in Chimney.
- Visit Charge will be applicable if customer don’t go ahead for work.
- All rates are minimum. After visit technician will decide the exact amount.
(Depends on condition)
- After checking of Chimney, rates are applicable according to problem available in Chimney.
- Visit Charge will be applicable if customer don’t go ahead for work.
- All rates are minimum. After visit technician will decide the exact amount.
Great performance done by technician. Thanks.
నేను అకాడమీలో తెలియజేయబోయే నా ప్రెజెంటేషన్ గురించిన సమాచారాన్ని పొందడం కోసం విషయం మరియు వేగవంతమైన కథనాన్ని వివరించే అద్భుతమైన మార్గం.
Exceptional post but I was wondering if you could write
a little more on this subject.
I am very happy with the service provided from Services Media.
Fantastic Blog!